Family Fun with Horses

Who’s ready to get out of the house?
Cincinnati Therapeutic Riding and Horsemanship is here for you and your family!

Family Fun with Horses provides a fun, safe, and personalized field trip with your family pod to come play with a horse. *

Like our “Mini-Workshops for Social and Emotional Enrichment, Family Fun with Horses is designed uniquely for your family pod. Selected activities will engage self-awareness, relationship skills and, most importantly, FUN! **

For more information and to schedule, contact:
Anora Snyder, Program Director
(513) 831-7050 or


* family field trips are one hour in length, for up to eight family members, ages 5 and up. 
** all activities are unmounted and closed-toe shoes are required; no sandals, clogs or Crocs. 

“Sharing this experience as a family was a really fun and exciting opportunity to do. Something different. And, the kids learned a lot about the horses. We all had a great time!”
— Family Participant Quote